Environment > Eco

Terms such as ‘sustainable’, ‘ecological’, ‘environmentally friendly’ and ‘carbon neutral’ are very much in vogue, and often banded around by organisations purely as marketing tools. At CarbonSpring however, this is more than just propaganda; we passionately believe in both protecting and enhancing the environment we live in.

There is also a presumption that anything ‘sustainable’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ is prohibitively expensive, or at the very least more expensive than traditional alternatives. We firmly believe this need not be the case.

By embracing ecological issues early in design, not only can environmental aspirations be achieved, but they can actually reduce both development costs AND ongoing servicing and support costs. This can be achieved in many ways, such as waste management recycling programmes during the build phase; sourcing materials and products from sustainable sources; using geo-thermal heat sources; to the more traditional rainwater run-off and collection techniques; living roofs; and solar power.

However, it would be narrow-minded to consider the environment solely in ecological terms. Basic architecture should be sympathetic to the environment and its surroundings, without compromising the principles of striking, innovative design. Furthermore, the environment we live in is intrinsically linked to social integration, and thus the mix of housing, including affordable housing, can be considered not just as a statutory requirement but as a genuine opportunity to deliver wider benefits.

The environment is rarely the driving factor in any commercial or residential development, but by considering these aspects at all stages, they can often lead to better solutions by design.

Get in touch: t: 020 7754 5943 e: mailto:info@carbonspring.com